Learn to read the puppy in front of you, from recognising common body language signals to understanding the more subtle ones

Help puppies feel calm, safe and understood during visits to the practice by responding to subtle signs of unease

Reduced feeling of anxiety and stress in puppies contributing to enhanced patient care

Learn to speak 'puppy'!

This 5 minute micro tutorial is a brief introduction to the hugely important topic of canine body language.  In Part One we discussed: How important tails are and what can they tell us? What are the often missed, subtle signs of unease in puppies? In Part Two we cover: What are the signals to look out for to make sure puppies are having a positive socialisation experience? And what signs might suggest the interactions are overwhelming for them? BONUS! Guide your learning by telling us which puppy training and behaviour topics would help you in the clinic via the link at the end of the tutorial.

Puppy School

Puppy School is a network of UK based puppy trainers who share animal-welfare goals as well as a love of teaching and educating.  In the 20 years since its inception, Puppy School has taught over 100,000 puppies and their owners.  We are passionate about ensuring puppies are set up for success with great experiences very early in life.  And we know we share this goal with the veterinary profession.  We are excited to share this micro tutorial with you, giving you the skills to lead the way as a puppy friendly practice. 

Ready to learn more? Download our FREE micro tutorial to get started now.

We are committed to helping members of the veterinary profession upskill and create a truly puppy friendly practice.  Understanding body language is just the start.  Got an idea you'd like to share with us? We're all ears! Please use the QR code at the end of the tutorial and tell us more about the skills you'd love to learn from us.

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